Who Wants To Remember?

I envy you, just sitting their staring at me, reminding me all my pain. You damn teddy bear! Why do I remember every time a tear...

I’ve got a secret

I've got a secret that I'll always keep. I'll never tell anyone cause you trusted me. You trusted me with all your heart and soul. I feel...

Static Noise

Happy Valentine’s Day

I’m From


22 Years

22 years ago I was born. My dad tells me all the time about how beautiful I was and the full head of hair...


Social Journalist

Video Game Girl

Going on 23 Years Later

Memorize Me Like I Have You


I kept that tire swing

Winter Wheat

Recent Creative Writing


Sabers Outlast Warriors, Claim District Title

As the seniors from Twin Cedars took the field for their final regular season game, they were well aware of what was at stake. With...

Notebooks Full Of Writings!!

What Makes You Jump