Why did you choose the inside horse? I wanted to take a picture. When you passed by on the Merry-go-round, I saw a Princess in the mirror. She...

Looking Back At Me

When we make eye contact It's depressing to see No laughter joy or excitement is directed back at me Something is wrong and I need to know just how do...

No Swimming, Again

Sooner Or Later

Divergent Lovers

Last Night’s Dream

When I Grow Up by Maya Maysen

Adults often ask children what they aspire to be when they’re older. I remember when I was in Kindergarten (and this day is the only...

Social Journalist

22 Years


22 Years

Winter Wheat

Any Given Summer Day

Memorize Me Like I Have You

Recent Creative Writing


You’re Always There For Me

When I've had a bad day or just not having any fun. You always understand me and you're the only one. I don't know what it is or why...

The Secret To Success