I’ve got a secret


I’ve got a secret that I’ll always keep.
I’ll never tell anyone cause you trusted me.
You trusted me with all your heart and soul.
I feel like a closer friend now that I know.
Never will I speak or commit the crime
of telling the secret hidden in my mind.
The secret you had from so long ago,
why you didn’t tell me before I do not know.
I’m your friend and I’ll always be.
You told me a secret cause you trusted me.
I’m someone you can rely on all the time
even if I’m mad at you or feeling just find.
I don’t ask you very often for that much
just to share with me so I can hold your trust.
You shared with me things never spoken before.
I opened my trust for you like you’d open a door.
If I should trip or stumble and fall down
I’ll make sure I catch it before it hits the ground.
It’s your trust and secrets I can hold for eternity
cause it’s your friendship that will always be with me.

Kelsie J 7th grader

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