At HometownShare, our purpose is to encourage writers.
Let’s make writing fun again. We offer a free website and positive environment for authors to share what matters to them. Writers of all ages are welcome, but we especially enjoy empowering student writers to share their stories with the world.
Don’t be intimidated by writing. You don’t have to be an English major to start sharing on our site. Grammar mistakes, spelling errors, that’s okay! We believe that the more you write, the better you get. So start writing! We aim to build a supportive online community; a safe place to ask for constructive criticism and to learn from fellow wordsmiths.
Still feeling unsure? Introverted writers may be pleased to know that our contributors are welcome to use a pen name to submit their compositions anonymously.
So if you’re an author, poet, or reporter, we invite you to create a free account and start sharing today!
Teachers also welcome.
Are you a teacher that would like to share classroom writings? Feel free to create an account for your class! We have had a great response from teachers; some have even built HometownShare into their curriculum! We’ve had students as young as 4th grade share on our site. There’s something extra special about cultivating student writers as they develop their voice. Help your students take pride in their work by sharing it with the world!