When I’m Not Near You


When I’m not near you
I don’t know what to do
I just sit around here
thinking about you

when I could be out
doing stuff I love
I can’t because I feel
my life is so rough

I feel just fine
when I know you are near
but I just can’t do the things I love
when you’re not here

cause you’re more than my wife
your my soul strength and life

you have endless beauty everywhere
your kisses are like a new breath of air

I can’t say what I know
just that you are ineffable

I’ll try to think of things
as I go along
but I don’t know
if this is a poem or a song

So you can call it
whatever you want to
but this was written
only for you

my infatuating passion
for you today
will always be with me

even if I don’t want you
another day
I will never be able to
throw it away

no matter when or how hard I try
it will be with me until the day I die

Wayne to my beautiful wife Laura

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