Team Ironfeet Take On Another State


The Sk8 the State for MS women, more affectionately known as “Team Ironfeet”, are ready to take on another state in an annual effort to raise funds and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis. This will be the 7th state the team has skated across.

With open arms, we welcome not only a new state to conquer, but a new face added to the crew. It is with great pleasure that Amelia “Skinnerella” Saint, Dani “Dubbs” Bock, Libby “PBR” Claeys and Melissa “Mo Payne” Dittberner welcome Dallis “Downtown Dallis” Meyer to join the mission and Sk8 Family.

In November, the crew will take on Missouri.

To date the team has 6 successful years, totaling 1,572 miles skated in 7 weeks while raising $25,000 for the National MS Society.

For more information or to show support please contact us at or find us on Facebook at Sk8 the State for MS.

If you would like to donate you can do so at:

Thanks for your continued support,

Team Ironfeet

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